Animation & Explanation by BIGS

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General Information on the Physics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), also known as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), is an increasingly successful method for examining tissue/matter structures, sizes, and compositions in the field of medicine, as well as in other areas such as archaeology and materials science.
This examination method is based on harmless, naturally occurring atomic processes, such as the modification of proton spins by magnetic fields and RF pulses.
The resulting signals can be captured and analyzed using computer-aided image processing. Selecting tissue/matter with an odd number of protons is a fundamental requirement due to the working principle of MRI. MRI machines are calibrated according to the elements to be examined.
Examinations of humans based on H2 protons have proven effective due to their abundance in living tissue.

In simplified terms, the formula for a patient examination can be described as follows:

Patient in a magnetic field

     + Application of RF pulses (transmitter)
     + Computer-assisted signal detection and processing (receiver)
     = Evaluable 2D images of human tissue

Further knowledge on the topic of the quantum physics can be found in the book selection on Amazon:

Book Recommendation on Amazon: Magnetic Resonance Imaging 

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