Simulation & Explanation by BIGS
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though not in all the languages listed below.
Explanation of the Compton Effect
The photons of an X-ray beam transfer part of their momentum to free electrons during a collision, and with the remaining momentum, they continue their path. Such collisions are typically oblique collisions.
In a cloud chamber, the electrons can be observed, and in an X-ray spectrometer, the photons with their now reduced energy can be detected.
Further knowledge about the Compton effect can be gained using the next button, which leads to book recommendations on Amazon:
Book recommendations on Amazon: Compton Effekt
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Tips on Amazon: For Browsing (Nike Shoes):
This animation is synchronized and allows switching between 16 languages:
- Compton Effect
- Efecto Compton
- काम्पटन प्रभाव
- Efeito Compton
- Effet Compton
- Comptoneffekt
- コンプトン効果
- 콤프턴 효과,
- 康普顿效应
- 湯普頓效應
- Эффект Комптона
- Comptoneffekten
- Comptoneffekt
- Compton etkisi
- This animation exist in Hebrew
- This animatzion exist in Arabic