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Explanation of the Topic „Term Scheme of Hydrogen (H2)“
Based on the Bohr atomic model, quantum jumps are explained. Starting from the Lyman series to the Brackett series, it is shown how hydrogen electrons, through the input of energy, make a quantum leap to a higher energy level, where they can briefly remain. After approximately 10-8s seconds, they return to their original or a lower-energy state, releasing excess energy in the form of light quanta (again through a quantum leap). (Please note, this is not a purely quantum-physical explanation.)
Further Explanations
Lyman Series
Excited hydrogen atoms emit characteristic spectra when they glow. Upon excitation, the electron of the hydrogen atom transitions to a higher energy level. In our example, it moves from the ground state with the principal quantum number n=1 to the level with the principal quantum number n=4. After an average dwell time of approximately 10-8s seconds, the electron returns to its initial state. During this process, the excess energy is released in the form of a light quantum. The different transitions result in characteristic spectral lines. Their frequencies can be determined using the formula: f=R( 1/n2 – 1/m2 ) R=Rydbergkonstante. The lines of the Lyman series (n=1) lie in the UV range of light. In the example shown, m successively takes on the values 2, 3, and 4.
Balmer Series Excited hydrogen atoms emit characteristic spectra when they glow. Upon excitation, the electron of the hydrogen atom transitions to a higher energy level. In our example, it moves from the ground state with the principal quantum number n=1 to the level with the principal quantum number n=4 . The so-called Balmer series becomes visible when, in an intermediate step, the electron first falls back to the excited state with the principal quantum number n=2 . The different transitions result in characteristic spectral lines. Their frequencies can be determined using the formula: f=R( 1/n2 – 1/m2 ) R=Rydbergkonstante. The lines of the Balmer series (n=2) are located in the visible range of light. In the example shown, m successively takes on the values 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Paschen Series Excited hydrogen atoms emit characteristic spectra when they glow. Upon excitation, the electron of the hydrogen atom transitions to a higher energy level. In our example, it moves from the ground state with the principal quantum number n=1 to the level with the principal quantum number n=7 . The so-called Paschen series becomes visible when, in an intermediate step, the electron first falls back to the excited state with the principal quantum number n=3 . The different transitions result in characteristic spectral lines. Their frequencies can be determined using the formula: f=R( 1/n2 – 1/m2 ) R=Rydbergkonstante. The lines of the Paschen series (n=3,) are located in the near-infrared spectral range. In the example shown, m successively takes on the values 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Brackett Series Excited hydrogen atoms emit characteristic spectra when they glow. Upon excitation, the electron of the hydrogen atom transitions to a higher energy level. In our example, it moves from the ground state with the principal quantum number n=1 to the level with the principal quantum number n=8 . The so-called Brackett series becomes visible when, in an intermediate step, the electron first falls back to the excited state with the principal quantum number n=4 . The different transitions result in characteristic spectral lines. Their frequencies can be determined using the formula: f=R( 1/n2 – 1/m2 ) R=Rydbergkonstante. The lines of the Paschen series (n=4,) are located in the infrared spectral range of light. In the example shown, m successively takes on the values 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Further knowledge on the topic of the term scheme of hydrogen can be found in the book selection on Amazon:
Book recommendation on Amazon: Term Scheme of Hydrogen, Classical Atomic Model
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