Animation & Explsnstion made by BIGS
Click on the picture to start the animation. But be careful, the Flash Player must be downloaded and approved by the browser or after the swf file has been stored in the “Download” folder, please select “Open with” from the “Flash Player” list.
Please also note that the Flashplayer will be removed from all browsers from 01.01.2021. You can only open our animations with the Flash Player. You can find a statement from the flash manufacturer HERE.
Genaral information on “Impulse”
This is explained by the law of action and reaction. When the fly climbs up the glass, the balance is pushed out of equilibrium for a moment by the force involved in climbing. However, if the fly hovers at a constant level, the balance reaches equilibrium again as a force equal to the weight of the fly acts on the balance via the air.
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